Signs of Fire Your Boss Shows for You

If we ask a working person who is in a bad situation at his work-

-Are you in a workplace with lots of anxiety? Your boss is not good for you? He always tryes to fire you from the job? He does not say anything but he just shows the signs of fire? Tell us those signs that are revealed from a boss.

Maybe his answer will be like-

-Well, The signs you will see in the office with unexpected things. Maybe the boss is from 3rd World countries or he is a bad one from the 1st World countries, he will make the office a hell and It is only for you. 

Signs of Fire

Signs of Fire the Boss Shows? 

1. Your boss will withdraw you from most of the working committees. 

2. Your boss will stop your sitting allowances and honorariums. Only salary will continue. 

3. Your boss will not be satisfied with your work efforts. 

4. Your boss will not take your ideas. 

5. Your boss will behave like an opposition party.

6. Your boss will not recognise your contribution. 

7. Your boss will give you unnecessary tasks 

8. Your boss will make you busy with downgraded positions tasks. 

9. Your boss will tell other people your weak points. 

10. Your boss will tell other people that you are not working properly 

11. Your boss will spread that you do not have skills for work. 

12. Your boss will punish you for little mistakes and simple errors. 

13. Your boss will punish you for other people's mistakes. 

14. Your boss will underestimate in front of other people. 

15. Your boss will snatch the credits of your work's good results. 

16. Your boss will deny your no result work imposed by him and deny his responsibility for his mistakes. 

17. Your boss will not allow you to enjoy leaves. 

18. Your boss will hold your promotion.

19. Your boss will destroy your documents and surveillance on your movements. 

20. He will not maintain any KPI for you. 

21. Your boss will be a complete ally of the evil while you are in true. 

There must be other signs of fire other than this list. 

-Oh, if someone is in such a situation he should file a case against his boss, this might be our opinion. 

What is your choice? 

Boss is always right or Boss is not always right?

Leave your answer with the ideas of dealing this bad practice. 

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